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Fig. 3 | Inflammation and Regeneration

Fig. 3

From: Rapid and high-purity differentiation of human medium spiny neurons reveals LMNB1 hypofunction and subtype necessity in modeling Huntington’s disease

Fig. 3

MSNs were more vulnerable to polyQ-overexpression caused damages. A To carry out a polyQ overexpression assay in induced neurons, lentiviruses containing different lengths of polyQs::GFP (Q25, Q46, Q97) driven by the human synapsin promoter were generated. NPCs were infected with low MOI of viruses during differentiation. B, C The overexpression was able to evoke neuronal damages, featured by reduced neural survival and primary branch numbers, in a polyQ-length dependent manner, which was ameliorated by HTT knockdown. D, E PolyQ97::GFP aggregates were observed in neurons on the glia layer, particularly prominent in MSNs, albeit to a lesser extent than at high MOI overexpression. Scale bars, 50 μm. F, G Expression levels of TrkB and BDNF were detected by quantitative PCR. ***p < 0.001

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